Monday, April 16, 2007

God is in control!

-UPDATE- So often events like this are used to further agenda's. I am obviously guilty of that with this blog. I wanted to take a moment to apologize. We should be honoring and remembering the victims here. This was a horrible tragedy. This was senseless. I can only imagine the feeling of hopelessness that must accompany the survivors and the families of the victims. So do what you need to do. Think good thoughts, pray for them, or (my favorite) take action to help. All we have in this world is each other and we need to take care of one another regardless of our disagreements. Here is a link of the victims VA Shooting, Victims

Praise the Lord! God has again carried out his holy and blessed will in his omnipotence by allowing 32 people to die at the hands of a senseless gunman in what is being hailed as the worst school shooting ever in American history. As we cannot know God’s divine plan we can only make the assumption that the 32 people killed were evil. Perhaps they were rapist or were murderers that had not yet been found out. Perhaps one of the people killed was going to be the next Hilter and now the world is spared of so much more pain. I suppose the other 31 was a small sacrifice. Of course I suppose a better way to go about it would have been to not create the evil people in the first place, but who am I to question God. So let’s pray for the departed as they are all now in a better place. We did not ask God the condition that we came here so we cannot ask him the condition that we leave here. Of course having a viewpoint that doesn’t allow for a supreme being to make sense of these horrible acts, makes them much more difficult to deal with. Some of us choose to live in the real world nonetheless.


tina FCD said...

Yeah, I get,"but he's in a better place now" every time I go to a funeral.I do feel bad for all those parents and the students who had to go through that ordeal.

Rose said...

So I suppose those people deserved to die? Or is it that its god's plan that they are in a better place? Ha!

angelsdepart said...

See hussy, if they want to claim that God is in control of everything then they have to accept the good with the bad!

tina FCD said...

God hates America' church to protest Va Tech funerals. Assho$#!

tina FCD said...

Crazy people!