Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Gay sex, it's not just for Catholics anymore

When I woke up yesterday morning, it seemed like it might be a normal day. I came down stairs, had some breakfast, made a cup of coffee and sat down to read like I always do. The leading story put the biggest smile on my face. Rev. Ted Haggard, (AKA the Jimmy Swaggart of 2006) has been ousted not only for purchasing meth but also for having sex with the gay male prostitute that he was purchasing his drugs from. Of course Haggard is saying that he never used the meth, that he threw it away, and that he never had sex with the gay male prostitute, but that he only recieved a backrub from him! This is the most hilarious story I have ever heard.
For those of you who don't know Rev. Ted Haggard not only leads the evangelical New Life Church with a congregation of more than 14,000 people in Coloradp Springs, but he also consults the White House. Of course upon hearing that Haggard is a homosexual the White House is attempting to downplay his role in the phone conversations. Bush wants us to believe he was only allowed to "listen in" and that he didn't offer much input. Ha!!!
The best thing about this story is that Rev. Haggard is one of the loudest voices of opposition to "Amendment i" on this years Colorado ballot which would allow gays to have all of the same benifits of marriage that heterosexuals have. Rev. Haggard is another one of those snooty Christians, turning thier nose up at all of the "sinners" while they lead secret lives and collect paychecks from the trusting congregation that in turn believes that a man like this might show them the way to get into heaven. Interesting how when it is put like that is sounds no different than those brainwashed Islamic militants who think that if they blow themselves up in a shopping mall that they will get 30 virgins in "heaven."
So I just wanted to say thank you to Rev. Ted Haggard. Thank you for being a hypocrite, thank you for letting us know that being gay is not that bad, thank you for letting us know that doing drugs is no big deal, after all if this "Man of God" can do this stuff why can't anyone else? Interestingly enough interviewed members of Ted's congregation said that they would welcome him back, even though he has stepped down from the church. Hmmmm, I figure he will probably be the only homosexual allowed into the church then, and perhaps into heaven?
One last thank you to Rev. Ted Haggard. Thank you for being a methamphetamine using, homosexual, George Bush Supporting, conservative, Republican moron, that waited until four days before the election to get caught buying drugs and fucking dudes. Thank you for taking the focus off of Kerry's misinterpreted remarks, thank you for giving the Dems a better chance of taking over the legislative branch, and most importantly thank you for proving what I have been saying all along. Christianity is nothing more than a ruse, a system set into place to take financial and emotional advantage of those that are to weak to live life without the belief of a higher purpose. Rev. Ted Haggard you are one less Christian nut job that can take advantage of the "masses."
Shame on you Dr. James Dr. James Dobson for supporting this man through this. I guess focus on the family's anti gay stance doesn't apply if its a close friend of yours. I hope your empire falls next!

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