Thursday, July 12, 2007

A letter to Al Qaeda

Dear Mr. Osama Bin Laden

I wasn’t sure if your war was with America or if it was against Christianity. I wanted to be the one to tell you that even though a large portion of this country is Christian, not all of us are. I don’t think that it is fair that I have to be caught in the middle of an ideological war when I clearly don’t subscribe to either side. I do not want to be a casualty of a war over a god or gods that I don’t believe exist. I think that it would only be fair to arrange a fair battle somewhere away from those of us that don’t believe in god’s or magic. This way you could have a face to face battle and allow your gods to determine who is right by seeing who is left standing at the end. I am tired of having to wonder if I am going to get blown up every time I get on an airplane because I don’t believe that Allah or Jesus is god. I am sure that they were both great people. I know Jesus was fond of turning water into wine and I think that this was a really cool trick. I have been trying to learn it for a while now. An airplane though is no place for religion. Actually this planet is no place for religion but I think we are beyond repair on that point. Anyways I will gladly sit on the sidelines while the religions fight. If it is necessary for the winner to have everyone believe in what they believe, I will play along. After all the worst thing that can happen is that I will go to heaven right?



Frank Walton said...

Wow, a letter to Osama! From a person with little significance no less!

angelsdepart said...

The poster child of kind and caring Christians from all over this country strikes again. Thank you Frank for helping me make my point. You are a good friend.

Frank Walton said...

You're welcome. By the way, look back at my blogsite. Let's have a debate.

Rose said...

You may have little significance to Osama, but why should that stop you from expressing how you feel?

tina FCD said...

I thought the letter said it all! Thanks!

Shawn Wilkinson said...

In all seriousness, I think Osama doesn't like America b/c of our support of Israel. Look into it, though.